JBSKATE mesh cap by JBGODS

How to get better at roller skating

How to get better at roller skating is a question that comes with many answers. None of those answers are wrong and you can’t just rely on one. However, there are a few techniques that I have found to give me the most notable results very quickly.

JB Skaters on BC Mondays at Glenwood Roller Rink

How to skate backwards

Once again, there are many answers, skills and tools that you need to develop in order to feel comfortable with your backwards skating. I think the first thing that’s going to make you a stronger backward skater is being able to maneuver left and right around people while skating backwards. First, you need to spend a lot of time skating backwards at a session. Second, you need to spend a lot of time balancing your weight on one foot. Finally, the technique that I’m currently using is to practice going side to side. Your focus is foot placement. When you can get used to placing your feet correctly and moving around people without thinking about it and without losing balance, you’ll be able to move faster. You’ll also be able to move around the entire skate floor backwards.

Skating backwards crossovers

There is something about doing crossovers backwards targets a specific muscle on the inner thigh. This might be the adductor. Ok, this sounds real sciency but it’s important for you to know this and concentrate on it while you are practicing your backwards skate. While you are moving backwards, cross your foot in FRONT of the other as if you were walking. I learned this just yesterday and I noticed almost immediate results. My adductors were hella fatigued before the session ended.

JB Assasins at Glenwood Roller Rink on BC Mondays

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