The Book of Enoch – Buy All-Skate DJ Set – Radio Version



The Book of Enoch

Listen to all new, original JBSKATE songs like The Book of Enoch from Chicago. These are brand new and barely even remixed songs, they haven’t even been recycled yet. The feel is fresh.

Purchase JBSKATE songs like The Book of Enoch for your live DJ Set from the JBGODS

Impress your crowd with the latest music in JB Skating

JB Skaters crave new music. We all love the traditional JB, but of course we know that there is something else out there. Give your audience what they want. Buy JBSKATE songs from the gods and shock your crowds.

Keep more customers coming back

Fresh new songs and brand new mixes keep JB Skaters coming back. How do I know?? I’m the GodKing Pharaoh, I’m a JB Skater myself. It’s refreshing to hear a really nice song during a session that I’ve never heard before. Try it out in your rink and see if you get the results that you are looking for. There is no better place than here to try out brand new, original JB Skate music for your session.

May the JBGODS visit your venue

After a visit from the gods, everything changes. Rink owners, get ready for the most excitement that you’ve ever seen on your skate floor..

Embassy Records
The Book of Enoch

  • Play in JBSKATE sessions at roller rinks
  • Download quality wav files
  • Store in your hard drive
  • Store it on the cloud

Buy all-skate DJ set for your roller skating session no matter what city or state your rink is located.

  • 44 minutes of JBSKATE music
  • All songs from The Book of Enoch
  • Songs roll right into each other for 44 minutes, uninterrupted with no downtime or cuts
  • Original JBSKATE music from Chicago
  • One time fee at a low price
  • The set is yours to use forever

Bring new life to your skating rink with JBSKATE sessions powered by the gods.  Can’t get a dj in your area??  Are your skaters tired of the same old music??  We have a solution for you.  This is a 44 minute all-skate full of original songs by JBGODS.  Stream the album “The Book of Enoch” to hear it first.
Buy All-skate DJ Set for your roller skating session
Entered information.
Get 44 minutes of JBSKATE music
Entered information.
Uninterrupted, no downtime or cuts
Entered information.





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