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Five Vets

The JBGODS Skate Team welcomes a new member, Five Vets. Five recently received his pin from the GodKing Pharaoh. Five put in the months of required training with the team and earned his place.

Five Vets got Big swag all day

Many will come to learn that some people just have that touch. Some people just have that secret sauce without trying. Five got it. If ‘gods got it’ then Five got it. I’m really proud to have Five on the team and I can’t wait to see how he performs in the future.

Students impress the master

My team knows that I value speed and jumps very highly. These two assets are the top traits to the JBGODS Skate Team. I expect everyone to possess them. If someone doesn’t have it yet, he should be working towards it. I don’t accept excuses for something that you can try for. Don’t tell me, show me. Speed that shit up, let me see those jumps. If you can’t perform it the way you want to, then do it the way that you can.

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a boy fighting with another boy Chicago

Fights at the Skating Rink

What happened at Glenwood last week, fights at the skating rink? Who really knows. Things happen all the time. Fights at the skating rink, they happen. What can ya do?? Watch?? Record it?? Leave immediately after?? Stay away for a while..

a boy fighting with another boy
Photo by King Cyrus Studios on Pexels.com

Street fights and skating rink scandale

As a child, I thought that after a certain age that people did not get into heated fights. Atleast, not in public with strangers. I’m not sure why I thought this. There was no clearly defined logic in my mind accept that adults didn’t behave that way. But, to my dismay, we do.

Gotta Go, No Violence for me

The moment a skirmish breaks out, I’m gone. Even if it clears up and the function goes back to normal, no thanks. I don’t like to be in an environment where people can not control their emotions. Plus, things can escalate even in silence. First, there are words, in most cases. Then that moves to hands and feet. You know what comes after that, I’m not tryna be around for it either.

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The Book of Enoch The Book of Pharaohs The Book of the Dead Albums