Category: <span>Training</span>

push sign Training


When those lungs start to burn and those legs get sore, push. That’s when you get the most training. Rest for a bit and then do a little more after. This doesn’t mean to continue pushing your body as hard as you can or to continue trying jumps after your body is completely fatigued. It simply means that after you have realized that you have gotten tired, don’t stop training. Take a break then do a little more, do something else. This push will make you much stronger. You’ll go past your current limits.

Deejay JBSKATER from JBGODS Skate Team Chicago

Deejay Teaches The First Five

Deejay will be teaching the first five JBGODS Core Routines © tonight at Glenwood. BC Mondays may be the hottest JBSKATE session in Chicago right now. The GodKing Pharaoh may not be present for this one though. Our new gods will get the chance to put in some work with the Point for the JBGODS Skate Team. Deejay is smart, creative and he has a strong memory. He knows all 42 of the core routines. Feel welcome to learn our stuff too, that’s why we post them, they are for everyone to enjoy. If you don’t have any routines of your own yet, or you want to run some new ones, run ours. We are open with our routines and we like to share.

Deejay from JBGODS


Embassy Records