Either Way, Get Over It
Welcome skaters. Have you ever been new to your sport and end up doing better than your teacher?? Ok, I probably don’t need to explain much to you. It’s happened to me too. My students have become better than me. I had to simply get over it and accept that they are better. They are faster, stronger, smarter and overall just better than me in every single way
Never Outshine The Master
The 48 Laws of Power, which I believe in firmly, say to never outshine the master. I believe this is also a virtue of Stoicism which I study on a regular basis. Up until now, I’ve had the goal of excelling past the master. I had always thought this would be celebrated. I never took the master’s ego into account. Not only does the master get offended, but senior students get offended too. So, what do you do?? Create an imaginary ceiling for yourself and float beneath the skill of your counterparts??
New Generations
Maybe so, but I think a part of growing up is accepting that there is always a new generation. And there is always someone better than you. Always. So, I offer these solutions. Get better or get over it.
Mastering the Routines Employ the Hatred Get Used To It A Story About Life Time For Nashville Food Either Way, Get Over It Make A Move Then We Need Journalists Back on the 65 Oh Word??