Category: <span>What’s The Word</span>

people running during daytime Sports

Sha’Carri Richardson is making history again

You might have watched the news and noticed that Sha’Carri Richardson is making history again. According to APNEWS she finished the 100 meter race with a time of 10.71 seconds. She definitely won, and this win makes her the fastest woman in the world. I’m so glad to see her doing well. She was criticized so heavily for nothing and she continues to rise and shine.

Sha’Carri As An Inspiration

Sha’Carri is a leader for Black people everywhere. She is a great example of doing great things and doing them lawfully. She is the kind of example that I recognize and praise. There is no way that it is easy to do what she is doing. You don’t just happen to be the fastest woman in the world. This requires an immense amount of discipline. Winning at this caliber requires a commitment to training as hard as your body will allow you on a regular basis. Taking days off is not an option.

The Science of a Winner

It’s obvious that Sha’Carri understands something about running that most human beings do not. Time and time again, she steps on that track, beats her opponents and she beats them by a lot. What does this mean?? It means that being good is not good enough. Being great at your craft is not good enough. It’s absolutely encouraged to be serious about your craft and to involve yourself in deep thought about what you’re doing. One of the worst pieces of advice that I’ve heard skaters give people who are trying to learn a new trick is to not think about it. This is so untrue. You need to think about what you’re doing. When you think about what you are doing you have a better chance at understanding what you are doing.

Leading the Way With a New Mobile App | Hot Weather On BC Monday | The Status of Hip Hop Today | Electric Forest 2024 | Axel Tips From Coach Michelle Hong | An Entrepreneur With A Day Job | How To Build A Studio | A JBSKATE Music Library | No Good Ramen In Chicago | Sha’Carri Richardson is Making History Again

woman wearing rollers skates lying on the floor Chicago

Hot Weather on BC Monday

Chicago had some hot weather on BC Monday this week. The temperature inside the Glenwood Roller Rink was high. Many of us were drenched in sweat before the warmup songs finished. The floor felt nice though, it wasn’t dangerously slippery or mysteriously sticky. The conditions were just right. Even though the city had some hot weather on this BC Monday, I prefer that over cold air hitting my sweaty body during a session.

Slippery Floors or Dirty Wheels

I’ve learned that often times when the floors feel slippery but not everyone agrees with you, then the problem may be your wheels. Several time during this session I kept rolling through blobs of sticky dirt that gathered on my wheels. I could feel it rumbling between my wheels and the skate floor. It feels like I rolled over a small wad of gum.

Hot Weather In Chicago

There’s something about the hot weather that just makes the hood erupt, it happens every year. I always advise people close to me to stay away from bad situations. No need to rush into a confrontation. They are going to happen. Problems come every year, especially when the weather is hot. So, keep your cool, keep your distance and keep your freedom.

The JBKATE App is ComingJB Skating Music By JBGODSLearning To JB Skate in ChicagoHoodies for Skating


Leading the Way With a New Mobile App | Hot Weather On BC Monday | The Status of Hip Hop Today | Electric Forest 2024 | Axel Tips From Coach Michelle Hong | An Entrepreneur With A Day Job | How To Build A Studio | A JBSKATE Music Library | No Good Ramen In Chicago | Sha’Carri Richardson is Making History Again

Cert and Rank

selective focus photography of person holding turned on smartphone Chicago

Leading the Way With a New Mobile App

The JBGODS are leading the way with a new mobile app. Currently the new app is in production to be first published on Google Play. This is a huge step forward for JBSKATING in Chicago and all over the country. There are currently 5 mobile apps in production by JBSKATE. They are on their way to Google Play. Android users get ready, a new era for JBSKATING is on the way.

JBGODS Lead The Way

We are the leaders of this culture and this community. We make moves that no one else ever thinks about. This is what places is ahead and it will keep us there. Under my guidance, the future of JBSKATING is immense. With a solid foundation and a vast organization across the country and industries, our hobby will grow into an industry of its own. We’ll get there. We are getting there.

How Does a Mobile App Lead the Way

Simply put, nothing of this caliber exists for us. Nothing like this exists for JBSKATING alone. We have to use other means and platforms to show our presence. However, this is soon to change. Get ready and stay that way. We doin God s*** only.

The JBKATE App is ComingJB Skating Music By JBGODSLearning To JB Skate in ChicagoHoodies for Skating


Leading the Way With a New Mobile App | Hot Weather On BC Monday | The Status of Hip Hop Today | Electric Forest 2024 | Axel Tips From Coach Michelle Hong | An Entrepreneur With A Day Job | How To Build A Studio | A JBSKATE Music Library | No Good Ramen In Chicago | Sha’Carri Richardson is Making History Again

Cert and Rank

cloud gate Weather

Chicago Weather in May

We had gray skies as I rolled out of the city on Thursday. The city is always so gray. That’s the downside of living in Chicago, especially after spending 10 years in Los Angeles. Man, I was so spoiled and I miss it. As much as I miss Los Angeles though, Chicago has its hooks in me because of the JBSKATE scene here.


We’re getting rain all the way into May, how ridiculous is that. It probably isn’t even gonna stop. The day that I wanted to buy a new lawnmower set and cut the grass the entire city was wet. No worries, another day then.

Skies in the city of chicago

Sullen skies over the brick city

Weather Channel

I never watch the weather channel. I never watch the television for news, I don’t even own a television. Whatever happens is destined to happen. Chicago weather is unpredictable even with the weather radar active. They could announce on the news that the temperature is gonna drop but you don’t expect your car doors to freeze. Then, the next day you have a sloshy city of melting snow.

Weather Today

The weather today was kinda nice, I must admit. The sun was shining, people were out in the city, all in the streets, being annoying. Every ass wipe with a bicycle was on every major road in Chicago, hogging up the lanes like they can’t be obliterated by one of these idiots running red lights and stop signs. I mean but other than that it was a gorgeous day.

Mastering the Routines Employ the Hatred Get Used To It A Story About Life Time For Nashville Food Either Way, Get Over It Make A Move Then We Need Journalists Back on the 65 Oh Word??

The Book of Enoch The Book of Pharaohs The Book of the Dead Albums

woman exercising Practice

What to do for a Workout Roller Skating

Here is my advice on what to do for a workout roller skating. If you’re on the skate floor then these should all apply. First, practice speed. You can only get good at doing all of your tricks and skills at a high speed if you practice speed first. Second, practice intensity. For the things that you do well already, do them with more intensity, more energy, more dynamics.

Practice Speed

You can never go wrong with adding speed as a workout. Be warned, this is a primary ingredient for disaster when you aren’t strong in your technique. So, add speed gradually. Remember to slow down again once you become fatigued. There is no need to do more than you are capable of and risk hurting yourself or someone else.

Practice Intensity

If you normally do spins, try doing them a little harder. Spin harder, come to a stop more abruptly. This is adding more intensity to your workout. It changes the way that you approach your skating in live sessions. There is something about intensity that puts your effort onto different muscles and different muscle groups.

Mastering the Routines Employ the Hatred Get Used To It A Story About Life Time For Nashville Food Either Way, Get Over It Make A Move Then We Need Journalists Back on the 65 Oh Word??

How to Spin on Roller Skates –

How to Jump in Roller Skates –

jbgods pullover Practice

How To Get Stronger For Skating

This article explains how to get stronger for skating.

STRETCH to Get Stronger

You have got to stretch on a daily basis.

You have got to stretch on a daily basis. Most of these techniques become acquired skills after you have done them on a regular basis. Going hard for one day, or one week or one month is not the recipe rather, stretching consistently makes you more flexible. There’s something in the human anatomy that makes the muscles, joints and ligaments do 400 percent better when they each function at 100. I don’t understand what’s happening there but if you aren’t getting that technique or that trick that you want, it’s probably because you aren’t stretching.

SQUATS to Get Stronger

You have got to get those squats in.

I am not a fan of disciplined workouts, I think they are boring. Getting some good cardio and a good pump from skating is something that I enjoy. However, in order to focus on specific muscles and their weaknesses, or their strengths, certain exercises are needed. You have got to get those squats in. There is also another type of squat that works a different set of muscles. You basically stand on your knees and rise up and down. This exercise has an immediate effect on the health of my legs.

JUMPS to Get Stronger

Practice jumps in your shoes first.

Most of us have weak ankles and bad coordination. Landing jumps, and taking off for them, both require practicing them without skates on. Be warned, it is not easy so, make sure you practice this in a place where you have plenty of space to stumble and fall. Make sure you use a surface that is sturdy, dry and has plenty of grip. Trying this near a dining room table on slick wood floors in your socks, for example, is a terrible idea. You WILL fall. You WILL hurt yourself.

jbgods beanie

How to Spin on Roller Skates –

How to Jump in Roller Skates –

bird s eye view of city during dawn Chicago

Gray skies and brisk breezes

Take a look outside in Chicago and you will see gray skies and brisk breezes. The winter weather is making a slow exit from the city as usual.

We are weeks into the month of May and old man winter still has a light grip on the city. I had to turn the heat on inside of my home at night and inside of my car on my way to work. This is rich for the summer, cold air in May.

AC Turned Off in May

This is crazy. We have reached the end of May and the weather is still chilly outside. I’m running the heat in my car and in my home to keep warm in the summer month of May. This is the wildest thing ever. The winter weather still has a strong grip on the Chicago climate. Over the past week, there has been a lot of rain and some severe thunderstorms. Trees were stripped of leaves and branches yesterday. Broken tree limbs litter many of the streets and sidewalks. Piles of wet leaves gather on the corners of the roadways.

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Deejay JBSKATER from JBGODS Skate Team Chicago

Deejay Teaches The First Five

Deejay will be teaching the first five JBGODS Core Routines © tonight at Glenwood. BC Mondays may be the hottest JBSKATE session in Chicago right now. The GodKing Pharaoh may not be present for this one though. Our new gods will get the chance to put in some work with the Point for the JBGODS Skate Team. Deejay is smart, creative and he has a strong memory. He knows all 42 of the core routines. Feel welcome to learn our stuff too, that’s why we post them, they are for everyone to enjoy. If you don’t have any routines of your own yet, or you want to run some new ones, run ours. We are open with our routines and we like to share.

Deejay from JBGODS


Embassy Records

a boy fighting with another boy Chicago

Fights at the Skating Rink

What happened at Glenwood last week, fights at the skating rink? Who really knows. Things happen all the time. Fights at the skating rink, they happen. What can ya do?? Watch?? Record it?? Leave immediately after?? Stay away for a while..

a boy fighting with another boy
Photo by King Cyrus Studios on

Street fights and skating rink scandale

As a child, I thought that after a certain age that people did not get into heated fights. Atleast, not in public with strangers. I’m not sure why I thought this. There was no clearly defined logic in my mind accept that adults didn’t behave that way. But, to my dismay, we do.

Gotta Go, No Violence for me

The moment a skirmish breaks out, I’m gone. Even if it clears up and the function goes back to normal, no thanks. I don’t like to be in an environment where people can not control their emotions. Plus, things can escalate even in silence. First, there are words, in most cases. Then that moves to hands and feet. You know what comes after that, I’m not tryna be around for it either.

JBGODS Chicago Practice Skating Workouts Food Weather Today Home


The Book of Enoch The Book of Pharaohs The Book of the Dead Albums